Compassionate Care of the Dying
The Foundation of Our Work

Sharing your time to help support a dying person and their loved ones can be one of the most physically, emotionally and spiritually challenging things you will ever do, and also has the potential for life-changing insights and gifts.
Deeply rooted in the culture of our community, our founders developed this core training that is the heart of the special care Hospice Maui provides.

Our Compassionate Care of the Dying Training
A self-reflection and personal growth program that our staff and patient care volunteers go through together.
Represents how we, as an organization, perpetuate the values that set us apart from other hospices and from the rest of healthcare in general.
One of the important ways that we support each other and build the resilience to do this sacred work.
Ensures our services always come from a place of compassion and helps our team remain fully present with our patients and families.
A time and place for us to examine any inner barriers: our fears, assumptions, mental habit patterns, certainties and beliefs, past experiences, and any other things that can keep us from being fully present.
It represents a substantial organizational commitment to deepening the hospice work that we all do, which allows this community to benefit that much more from our services.

Volunteer Training Schedule
We would love to talk to you about Volunteering. For more information on the next Volunteer Training course, please contact our Volunteer Coordinator at (808) 244-5555 or ssparling@hospicemaui.org