Volunteer Spotlight
Meet Our Heroes
Discover the incredible journeys of our volunteers, whose selfless acts of kindness illuminate the true spirit of aloha. Get inspired by their dedication and see firsthand the difference they make every day at Hospice Maui. Join us in honoring these remarkable individuals who do so much more than volunteer – they change lives.

Edy Salenger
Edy Salenger has been an invaluable member of our team as a Bereavement Volunteer.
After moving to Maui in the late 70s, Edy began her nursing career at Maui Memorial and later at Hospice Maui. Following five years as a hospice nurse, she retired but soon returned as a Bereavement Volunteer, facilitating the HEAL grief support groups.
Reflecting on her journey, Edy shared, “I started nursing in the oncology unit at Stanford, but the pace left little room for personal connection. This led me to psychiatric mental health nursing, where I helped patients navigate the emotional aspects of illness and death.
Losing my father at a young age and a close friend in Vietnam profoundly impacted me. Volunteering with the Center for Living With Dying helped me process my grief, making it a natural transition to join Hospice Maui’s bereavement team.
My experience taught me the importance of being genuinely present with the grieving—without an agenda, simply being open and aware. In the HEAL groups, I witnessed the healing power of sharing our stories and crying. One participant cried through the first few meetings, gradually learning to embrace and release his grief, ultimately finding a deeper sense of self. He now shares his journey with others, reminding us that ‘it takes as long as it takes; it will change, and it will become part of who we are.”
Edy’s compassion and dedication have left an indelible mark on our community. We are deeply grateful for her service and the countless lives she has touched. Thank you, Edy.