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Your Support Truly Makes a Significant Impact
Mahalo for joining us in our mission to provide compassionate end-of-life care to our community.
Hospice Maui cares for Maui’s seriously ill residents in their homes and in the Hospice Maui Hale. We provide, without charge to those without insurance and who cannot afford it, whatever is needed for that care.
In addition, we do our work in a way that exceeds the highest standards of hospice care. Because of these two factors, our care typically costs more than the insurance coverage.
It is through the generosity of our many contributors that we are able to maintain our exceptional hospice care program, year in and year out.
Throughout our 40-year history we have enjoyed tremendous community support, and that is what ensures that we can continue to provide the exceptional standard of our hospice services.

Hospice Maui General Fund
End-of-life care for those with little financial means
Room and board at Hospice Maui Hale for those unable to pay
Care for underserved communities like Hana, Maui; Molokai and Lanai
Caregiving above and beyond what is covered by insurance
Travel assistance for a family member to see a patient one last time
Medical supplies and trauma counseling services for victims of the Maui wildfires

Greg was a true visionary, a respected leader, an advocate, and friend to many within Hawaii’s hospice industry. His impact on our islands’ communities will be felt for years to come.
The Greg LaGoy Memorial Fund
Dr. Gregory LaGoy - CEO, Hospice Maui (1990 - 2022)
The Greg LaGoy Memorial Fund honors the legacy of Hospice Maui’s visionary CEO, Dr. Greg LaGoy, who dedicated over 30 years to ensuring quality end-of-life care for all. He passionately believed that everyone deserved hospice care with dignity, regardless of location. In his memory, the fund was created to ensure proper resources in rural areas like Molokai, Lanai, and Hana, where access to healthcare is limited. This ensures that all Maui County residents, no matter where they live, receive vital support and enhanced quality of life during their most vulnerable moments.
Melanie Dwyer, CEO, reflects on Gregʻs legacy:
“Greg LaGoy was a visionary leader whose legacy guides us today as we remain dedicated to providing unparalleled end-of-life care. Our ongoing commitment honors his legacy and reaffirms our dedication to serving our community with compassion and dignity.”

Kokua Fund
At Hospice Maui, our team embodies the spirit of Kokua – offering help to others in a selfless manner. The Kokua Fund is our commitment to supporting others during life’s most challenging moments.
Donations directly benefit the Hospice Maui Hale, where providing high-quality end-of-life care is essential. While we strive to ensure comfort and quality of life for every patient, our expenses often exceed reimbursement. Many patients require uncompensated care, lacking insurance or room and board coverage, yet they have nowhere else to turn. By donating to the Kokua Fund, you enable us to maintain a safe and supportive environment for these individuals. Your contributions cover the costs of experienced, certified staff, quality equipment, medications, and facility upkeep, ensuring that the Hospice Maui Hale remains a welcoming and comforting space for all who need it.
Additionally, the fund provides critical assistance to those facing dire circumstances, whether it’s ensuring a patient’s oxygen concentrator keeps running even when the electric bill can’t be afforded or enabling a family member to be present during their loved one’s final moments. The Kokua Fund becomes a lifeline to those in need, ensuring no one faces these challenging times alone.
Donations to the Hospice Maui’s Kokua Fund were utilized to provide crucial support and relief efforts in the aftermath of the devastating wildfires in August 2023 in addition to grief and trauma support services.
Wish List
At Hospice Maui, your support is vital in providing compassionate care to our patients and their families. Our Wish List features essential items and services that directly benefit those under our care. Your generosity ensures that our patients receive the care and comfort they deserve. Thank you for your support in making a difference in their lives.
Select an Item
Choose an item from our Wish List that you’d like to support.
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Wish List Items
$75 - $50,000 for Acupuncture Program
Acupuncture Services for Patients and Caregivers - $75/home visit
Provides holistic pain management and symptom relief, promoting comfort and well-being
$450 - $50,000 for Kokua Fund
Financial Aid for families without the ability to pay for in-patient Hospice Maui Hale Room & Board Coverage - $450/day
One night in our hale offers essential care and comfort for those without room and board coverage, ensuring a peaceful and supportive environment
$150 - $15,000 - Greg LaGoy Memorial Fund
Staff travel to Hana, Lanai, Molokai - $150 - $250 / inter-island airline round trip ticket
Travel expenses for our care team to visit patients on Molokai & Lanai ensuring essential care is provided
$100 - $5,000 for Patient Calming Aids
Includes aromatherapy machines, sound machines, CD players/music & headphones, fidget & weighted blankets, baby dolls, and stuffed animals
$5,000 - $500,000 for Care Coordination Center Expansion
We are outgrowing our current offices!
$5,000 - $25,000 for Website and Educational Brochure Redesign
$500,000 - Endowment Fund
Help secure our organization’s future and ensure we can continue providing compassionate care for years to come
Donate your car to Hospice Maui - your donation is tax deductible
Gently used wheelchairs, companion chairs, rollators for our community closet
Designation of a fixed amount through your will or trust
Gift of real estate or a percentage of property
Beneficiary of an IRA, retirement plan

Donate by:
Mail: Hospice Maui
400 Mahalani Street
Wailuku, HI 96793
Call: Hospice Maui
Advancement Office
(808) 244-5555
Click here to make a
secure online donation