Hospice & Palliative Care Eligibility

Eligibility for hospice care is based on several criteria set by Medicare and other insurance providers. The main requirement is that the patient must have a terminal diagnosis with a prognosis of six months or less should the disease run its natural course.

For patients who may not yet meet criteria for hospice but still require specialized care, we also offer palliative care services.

Key Hospice Eligibility Considerations

  1. Terminal Diagnosis

    Confirmed by both the patient’s personal physician and the hospice physician

  2. Acceptance of Hospice Care

    Selects comfort care over curative treatment

  3. Hospice Benefit

    Medicare Part A or related benefit under other insurance

  4. Common Considerations

    Cancer, Heart Disease, COPD, Kidney Failure, Liver Disease, Neurological Disease, Stroke, and Coma

Key Palliative Care Eligibility Considerations

  1. Serious Illness Diagnosis

    Confirmed by a physician

  2. Acceptance of Palliative Care

    Comprehensive care coordination while pursuing curative treatment

  3. Insurance Coverage

    Insurance plans vary in their coverage of palliative care services. Please call us if you need assistance. We are here to help.

  4. Common Considerations

    Cancer, Heart Disease, COPD, Kidney Failure, Liver Disease, Neurological Disease, Stroke, and Coma

Steps to Enroll

  • Hospice Discussion

    The patient or their family should discuss care options, including hospice or palliative care, with their primary care physician or specialist

  • Contact Hospice Maui

    Call (808) 244-5555 or email mail@hospicemaui.org

  • Schedule a Meeting

    A Hospice Maui team member will meet with the patient & family for an initial assessment

  • Determine Eligibility

    Evaluate Prognosis, Medical Condition, Prognosis, Patient/Family Readiness

  • Sign Consent Forms

    Enrollment Forms, Patient Rights, Advance Directive/POLST

  • Start of Care

    Introduction of Hospice Team and development of an individualized Plan of Care

  • Ongoing Support

    Continued Communication & Collaboration, Regular Reassessments

  • Financial Aid

    As a nonprofit organization it is our mission to provide a dignified death to everyone regardless of their medical coverage through our Kokua Fund