We Are One ‘Ohana

Our Story

Hospice Maui is deeply rooted to the values of family and community, we believe that the end of life journey should be a shared experience that no one has to walk alone.

In 1978, inspired by the modern hospice movement, a group of dedicated Maui residents made it their mission to introduce compassionate hospice care to The Valley Isle. They created Hospice Maui.

Fueled solely by the generosity of local citizens, businesses, and community groups, Hospice Maui welcomed its first patient in February 1981.

The hospice philosophy of care recognized that people are so much more  than their bodies and illness.  Each of us deserve to be cared for by those who understand the emotional and spiritual challenges that dying can bring; that we are entitled to live our last months, weeks, or days, treated with dignity according to our beliefs and values.

When Hospice Maui sought a permanent home, the Maui community showed their unity and spirit of aloha once more. A local developer graciously donated a finished building, and the Maui County Council bestowed a lease for a plot of land with sweeping island views.

Over the years Hospice Maui has grown to meet emerging community needs. In 2016, after 15 years of planning and fundraising, we opened the doors to Hospice Maui Hale-our five bedroom hospice house. Our Hale provides deeply compassionate 24/7 care when care at home is no longer an option. 

It was a long standing dream to provide hospice services to all the communities in Maui County. In 2022 we expanded services to Moloka’i, Lāna’i, and Hana, and now proudly serve all of Maui County. 

Hospice Maui was built by and for our community and we are committed to providing quality hospice care wherever you and your loved ones call home and no matter one’s financial means. 

Embraced by the heart of Maui, we in turn embrace every patient and family member. At Hospice Maui, we believe we are all connected, that life is about being there for one another.

Through the shared experience of walking alongside our patients and families on their end of life journey we all become ‘ohana.